This is the thread dedicated to scripts specifically written for HV.
Wiki LinkAlso, please note the following guideline (upd 2020-02-28):
Players are free to make new HV scripts for purposes such as making modifications and additions to the UI or changing key mappings and controls in general.
Any scripts used to automate or semi-automate gameplay beyond a single "action" is strictly forbidden. Offenders will be banned from HV.
e.g. Targeting and hitting active monsters is beyond a single action.
In particular, this means that are explicitly banned while on-battle:
- Things that automate actions or combine multiple actions.
- Hovering attacks are allowed as exception - Things that parse the game state in order to, in any way, trigger or selectively present an action
-> example: a generic "use the potion that would fix my current threshold trigger" button would not be allowed. - Things that stop hover-attack (or any other action) based on specific condition. Hovering can restart automatically though.
- Only exceptions allowed are stop on HP/MP/SP thresholds and stop on buffs expiring.
-> example: default hotkeys cannot be excluded in case of low health - Things that indiscriminately allow the player to solve a condition without having to understand what he is solving.
- Things that automatically select a monster to attack based on whatever condition.
-> example: an automated series of attacks to multiple monsters one after the other; auto-attacking the first monster - Things that help the player to solve a riddle of the riddle master
while off-battle:
- Things that allows player to collect benefits from HV without requiring an input from the player are forbidden.
-> example: automatic scanning/buying items from the HV item shop and automatic buying of lottery tickets. - Things that act under multi-threading principle, since they will occur in some sitewide protections and most likely cause people to be tempbanned
If a function (or even worse, the whole script) cannot comply with these instructions, then
it will have to be excluded from the script.
If you find a possibly troublesome script, feel free to report it to a mod or to ask one of the coders here to check it. Same applies if you see people who are actively spreading said stuff. Your cooperation will be appreciated.
This post has been edited by Scremaz: Feb 28 2020, 23:11