Three new projects, ready to go!
illegal_med.txt ( 9.54k )
Number of downloads: 14
illegal_med2.txt ( 9.5k )
Number of downloads: 14Back to Black Lagoon with more Revy/Rock action. Rock is looking for something to settle his stomach, but smugglers like to hide all sorts of things in innocuous bottles, apparently. Revy shows up too late and has to help him sort it out. Lots of fun!
Editors, this is 22 pages of moderate editing. Bubble count and sfx usage increases as the story unfolds.
(C61) [KENIX (Ninnin!)] Nettai Ouhi vs. S (Capcom VS SNK)Gallery:
Nettai_C.txt ( 4.84k )
Number of downloads: 14
Nettai_S2.txt ( 4.85k )
Number of downloads: 17We're drawing close to the last of Kenix's projects, but there's still a few gems left to translate! Basically two stories here, the first with Ryu and the second with a bunch of assholes. Kenix's art still shines through here, though its a bit lighter on story than some of his other Nettai works. Two more to go, I think!
Editors, this is roughly 20 pages of pretty reasonable editing. The only real downside is that our scans are pretty poor. Not surprising, perhaps, since it came out 15 years ago.
[Raisin Pie (Tamaki Denchuu)] Shoku no Utage (One Piece)Gallery:
Shoku_no_Utage.txt ( 12.91k )
Number of downloads: 9
Shoku_no_Utage2.txt ( 12.89k )
Number of downloads: 20This is very nearly a crossover project: the characters of One Piece thrown into the world of Berserk! Luffy and the (pre-timeshift) crew find "One Piece," but it's completely worthless except for a tiny red egg. Madness ensues, naturally, as the crew seems to descend into a literal hell. The art's slightly odd, but full-color is hard to argue with. Very interesting, but not for the faint of heart!
Editors, this 50-page project is definitely more difficult than the standard fare! The pages are full color, and the sfx can be both varied and wild. A wonderful challenge to test your mettle! (IMG:[
This post has been edited by ultimaflaral: Apr 28 2018, 05:44