ManBearPig Tail @ 1650x 2 = 3,300 Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch @ 1650x 4 = 6,600 Mithra's Flower @ 1650x 1 = 1,650 Dalek Voicebox @ 1650x 2 = 3,300 Lock of Blue Hair @ 1650x 1 = 1,650 ***@ 1,650x10 = 16,500***
Bunny-Girl Costume @ 3,350x 3 = 10,050 Hinamatsuri Doll @ 3,350x 2 = 6,700 Broken Glasses @ 3,350x 1 = 3,350
***@ 3,350x 6 = 20,100***
= 36,600