Futanari with a dick and a pussy is 25% male and 75% female. Add a pair of balls to that and it'll be 50% male and 50% female. Still a futanari by definition.
Remove the pussy altogether will make it a shemale and if you're a male who like it, that's gay af. Admit it and embrace your inner gay.
QUOTE(i7l7il7li7ill7ill @ Feb 14 2019, 00:50)
since it kind of same topic , anyone know if this has been uploaded ?
i kind of fail to find anything
its been almost 2 weeks ,but nowhere to see
https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mod...ust_id=72287095Bruh, it's only two weeks. Be patient. Better make a request in the
Requests and Bounties sub-forum rather than here.
Here's the artist if you really want to check it everyday for that doujin:
Momo no Suidousui