The event has now finished. Everyone who handed in at least one full set of hoarded items were awarded a Plague Mask (Tier 8 trophy). Additionally, and even if you didn't hand in a full set, you were also granted a Shrine Fortune (Tier 7 trophy) for every unique hoarded item you handed in.
A contagion is spreading among the monster population, which has caused some particularly evil monsters to start hoarding certain types of goods. Snowflake wants you to eliminate them and bring back the hoarded goods so they can be used where they are needed the most.
Hoarded items will drop randomly in battle; drop rates increase with higher difficulties.
The event ends on Monday, April 13th at 23:59:59 UTC. You should hand in your findings at Snowflake's Shine by then to qualify for the event's grand prize.
Heh. I missed last year's Christmas event, so I'm not skipping this year's hoarding event...
Come visit my shop! (Massive update 16 May 2013) Might be something that interests you there. Lowest prices guaranteed by way of matching. Low-level players are sure to get something good!
a."I should offer one full set of artifacts in the shrine to get a prize." or b."I should collect one full set of artifacts in my inventory get a prize."
I am a newcomer and I really want to know which one is the right choice. Hope for a right answer, thanks!
a."I should offer one full set of artifacts in the shrine to get a prize." or b."I should collect one full set of artifacts in my inventory get a prize."
I am a newcomer and I really want to know which one is the right choice.
Do option A by Monday, April 13th at 23:59:59 UTC.
This post has been edited by Tgbvfr: Apr 11 2020, 01:40