> [Free Shop] Equips Free for lv<310 免费入门装备 (Updated 2022/09/25), Free Potions and Small Credits for lv<100 免费药水和C (also receive avgs you too wanna give away)

post Aug 27 2022, 17:02
Post #1

Group: Members
Posts: 54
Joined: 12-October 21
Level 326 (Dovahkiin)


If you have level unassigned averages (preferably MELEEs, LIGHTs and HEAVYs) that you want to give away to newcomers, you can send them to me and I'll add here.
On 2022/09/23 a nice guy came back and sent me some equips to give away to other new players and then I decided to add this as a trial.
Averages may be of some use to those totally new since they have no level limits.
I've just gotten out of my stamina penalty and started to clear my AR from top to bottom these days to get some avgs for distribution asap and the call for averages should not last long.

-------------------------FREE SHOP----------------------------
Here are some equips of mine or received from many nice guys. They might be of a bit use to those who have just started HV.
Wish these little things could be of a small supplement to those just like how yesterday's me was helped by other people :)

These things below are FREE for you If you are <lv310.
Please post what you want here. I'll MM you with these stuffs.

I'll also give you some potions if you are totally new (<lv100).
Health Draught*100 (~4500 in stock)
Health Potion*10 (~600 in stock)
Mana Draught*100 (~9500 in stock)
Credits * 3,000 (~300,000 in my pocket) (One time per person)
credits added 2022/09/24:
Hope that with a small credits you can get little better stuff from the Bazaar or some draughts from the market when necessary :)
Who haven't received the credits before and are still <lvl 100 can ask for it here xD

I may not check the forum everyday, so just feel free to MM or PM for a fast reply biggrin.gif

You can pick whatever you want if you mean to use it.
You're free to giveaway or sell when you don't need them anymore, just don't intentionally ask them for resell purpose.
You can ask more than one time and one item, but better ask only you can use for now.
*Please note that superiors or better ones have a lowest level limit and you wont equip it until you reached that level.
As for those equips much higher than your level, you are welcome to come back again for them when you have raised your lv.

If I paste or send something wrong, please remind me and you can ask me to send it or something else again.


Lv100以下会附送3000c和一些药水 smile.gif
如欲速回,请随意MM或私信我 xD

[One-handed Weapon]


[283591806] Exquisite Tempestuous Rapier of Slaughter (Lv.291)
[283939050] Exquisite Shocking Rapier of Slaughter (Lv.253) (from qqppfan)
[283195780] Average Rapier of Slaughter (Lv.-)
[283949848] Average Rapier of Slaughter (Lv.141) (from snail77107)
[283277305] Average Rapier of Slaughter (Lv.130) (from snail77107)

[283277657] Average Rapier of the Nimble (Lv.-)
[283221126] Average Rapier of the Nimble (Lv.-)
[283925406] Superior Rapier of the Nimble (Lv.118) (from snail77107)
[283246785] Average Rapier of the Nimble (Lv.-)

[283989118] Exquisite Arctic Rapier of Balance (Lv.277) (from qqppfan)
[283955191] Superior Rapier of Balance (Lv.142) (from snail77107)

[282819147] Magnificent Shocking Rapier of the Vampire (Lv.259) (from nimura)

[283227321] Average Rapier of the Illithid (Lv.-)

[207415849] Magnificent Rapier of Balance (Lv.173) (from what_is_name)
[283277305] Average Rapier of Slaughter (Lv.-)
[283255285] Average Rapier of Slaughter (Lv.-)


[283510555] Magnificent Tempestuous Club of Slaughter (Lv.279)
[283964537] Exquisite Club of Slaughter (Lv.156) (from snail77107)

[283392731] Exquisite Ethereal Club of Balance (Lv.255)
[283590326] Exquisite Tempestuous Club of Balance (Lv.291)

[283478756] Magnificent Club of the Vampire (Lv.273)

[283221550] Superior Club of the Illithid (Lv.121)


[283178159] Superior Shortsword of Slaughter (Lv.103)

[283631377] Magnificent Shortsword of Balance (Lv.294)
[283741323] Magnificent Fiery Shortsword of Balance (Lv.302)

[283949219] Magnificent Arctic Shortsword of Swiftness (Lv.313)

[283355084] Exquisite Shortsword of the Vampire (Lv.247)


[283921835] Magnificent Axe of Slaughter (Lv.307)
[283917605] Exquisite Tempestuous Axe of Slaughter (Lv.237) (from qqppfan)
[283956243] Superior Axe of Slaughter (Lv.148) (from snail77107)

[283246848] Superior Axe of the Vampire (Lv.151) (from snail77107)
[283916331] Superior Axe of the Vampire (Lv.93)
[283267438] Superior Axe of Slaughter (Lv.171)
[283157053] Superior Axe of Slaughter (Lv.83)


[283491724] Exquisite Demonic Wakizashi of Slaughter (Lv.277)

[283377672] Exquisite Wakizashi of Balance (Lv.252)
[283273024] Exquisite Wakizashi of Balance (Lv.183)
[283342886] Average Wakizashi of Balance (Lv.-)

[283982491] Superior Wakizashi of the Nimble (Lv.160) (from snail77107)

[283699371] Magnificent Wakizashi of Swiftness (Lv.300)
[283209802] Superior Wakizashi of Swiftness (Lv.114)

[Two-handed Weapon]


[283613956] Magnificent Hallowed Estoc of Balance (Lv.294)

[283987242] Exquisite Estoc of the Illithid (Lv.162) (from snail77107)


[283465195] Magnificent Arctic Mace of the Battlecaster (Lv.272)

[283984329] Superior Mace of Balance (Lv.161) (from snail77107)


[283878594] Magnificent Arctic Longsword of Slaughter (Lv.307)


[Oak Staff]

[283445152] Magnificent Oak Staff of Focus (Lv.268)

[Willow Staff]

[283153278] Superior Willow Staff of the Curse-weaver (Lv.78)

[283987819] Exquisite Willow Staff of Focus (Lv.275) (from qqppfan)

[Katalox Staff]

[283152978] Average Katalox Staff of Heimdall (Lv.-)


[Force Shield]

[283646950] Exquisite Onyx Force Shield of Warding (Lv.297)
[283489186] Exquisite Force Shield of Stoneskin (Lv.276)


[283615148] Exquisite Buckler of Protection (Lv.294)
[282723755] Magnificent Mithril Buckler of Warding (Lv.241) (from nimura)
[283491610] Exquisite Agile Buckler of Warding (Lv.277)

[Kite Shield]

[283852701] Magnificent Mithril Kite Shield of Deflection (Lv.305)
[283589620] Exquisite Agile Kite Shield of Protection (Lv.289)
[283338107] Exquisite Kite Shield of Stoneskin (Lv.233)
[283267047] Exquisite Kite Shield of Warding (Lv.170)
[283895408] Exquisite Mithril Kite Shield of Warding (Lv.78) (from snail77107)
[283339757] Average Kite Shield of Warding (Lv.-)
[283158701] Superior Kite Shield of Warding (Lv.84)
[283242256] Exquisite Kite Shield of Protection (Lv.149)

[Cloth Armor]


[283489185] Exquisite Phase Cap of Mjolnir (Lv.276)

[the Elementalist]

[284008177] Exquisite Charged Cotton Pants of the Elementalist (Lv.285) (from qqppfan)
[283354536] Exquisite Cotton Cap of the Elementalist (Lv.246)
[283277250] Average Cotton Robe of the Elementalist (Lv.-)
[283589986] Exquisite Amber Cotton Pants of the Elementalist (Lv.290)
[283353916] Exquisite Cotton Pants of the Elementalist (Lv.243)
[283957370] Superior Cobalt Cotton Robe of the Elementalist (Lv.149) (from snail77107)

[the Heaven-sent]

[283266242] Average Cotton Cap of the Heaven-sent (Lv.-)
[283206369] Average Cotton Robe of the Heaven-sent (Lv.-)
[283319625] Average Cotton Gloves of the Heaven-sent (Lv.-)
[283221871] Average Cotton Gloves of the Heaven-sent (Lv.-)
[283296610] Average Cotton Pants of the Heaven-sent (Lv.-)
[283147585] Average Cotton Pants of the Heaven-sent (Lv.-)
[283955898] Superior Cobalt Cotton Pants of the Heaven-sent (Lv.145) (from snail77107)

[the Demon-fiend]

[283533769] Exquisite Cotton Robe of the Demon-fiend (Lv.282)
[283328815] Exquisite Cotton Shoes of the Demon-fiend (Lv.228)

[the Earth-walker]

[283309694] Exquisite Cotton Gloves of the Earth-walker (Lv.209)
[283221987] Average Cotton Gloves of the Earth-walker (Lv.-)
[283164986] Exquisite Cotton Pants of the Earth-walker (Lv.86)
[283294477] Average Cotton Shoes of the Earth-walker (Lv.-)

[the Curse-weaver]

[283153136] Superior Cotton Robe of the Curse-weaver (Lv.77)
[283241561] Superior Cotton Pants of the Curse-weaver (Lv.141)
[283221119] Average Cotton Pants of the Curse-weaver (Lv.-)


[283311636] Average Cotton Cap of Protection (Lv.-)
[283153279] Average Cotton Cap of Protection (Lv.-)
[283319576] Exquisite Cotton Robe of Protection (Lv.220)
[283340141] Exquisite Cotton Pants of Protection (Lv.236)
[283207354] Superior Charged Cotton Shoes of Protection (Lv.114)
[283241110] Superior Jade Cotton Shoes of Protection (Lv.135)
[283220470] Superior Cotton Shoes of Protection (Lv.116)
[283266752] Average Cotton Shoes of Protection (Lv.-)


[283322340] Exquisite Frugal Cotton Cap of Warding (Lv.222)
[283165102] Superior Cotton Cap of Warding (Lv.88)
[283633567] Exquisite Cobalt Cotton Robe of Warding (Lv.295)
[283955704] Superior Cotton Robe of Warding (Lv.144) (from snail77107)
[283221216] Superior Cotton Robe of Warding (Lv.117)
[283228627] Average Cotton Robe of Warding (Lv.-)
[283224020] Superior Cotton Gloves of Warding (Lv.124)
[283241962] Average Cotton Gloves of Warding (Lv.-)
[283201560] Average Cotton Gloves of Warding (Lv.-)
[283511138] Exquisite Jade Cotton Shoes of Warding (Lv.279)
[283521358] Exquisite Zircon Cotton Shoes of Warding (Lv.280)
[283356067] Exquisite Cotton Shoes of Warding (Lv.247)
[283244063] Average Cotton Shoes of Warding (Lv.-)
[283178124] Average Cotton Shoes of Warding (Lv.-)

[No suffix]

[283241187] Average Cotton Gloves (Lv.-)
[283241804] Average Cotton Pants (Lv.-)

[Light Armor]


[283505060] Exquisite Shade Gauntlets of Negation (Lv.279)

[283754451] Exquisite Shade Breastplate of the Fleet (Lv.302)
[283824899] Exquisite Shade Breastplate of Negation (Lv.305)

[283486532] Exquisite Amber Shade Boots of the Fleet (Lv.275)
[283958313] Exquisite Shade Boots of Negation (Lv.262) (from qqppfan)
[283317435] Exquisite Shade Boots of the Fleet (Lv.216)


[283646482] Exquisite Zircon Leather Helmet of Protection (Lv.296)
[283153035] Superior Leather Helmet of Warding (Lv.77)
[283400662] Exquisite Ruby Leather Helmet of Deflection (Lv.256)
[283277420] Average Leather Helmet (Lv.-)
[283955547] Superior Leather Helmet of Deflection (Lv.143) (from snail77107)

[283934335] Magnificent Leather Breastplate of Deflection (Lv.310)
[283320984] Average Leather Breastplate of Stoneskin (Lv.-)
[283309503] Average Leather Breastplate (Lv.-)

[283323397] Exquisite Agile Leather Gauntlets of Protection (Lv.225)
[283323396] Exquisite Leather Gauntlets of Warding (Lv.225)
[283153577] Superior Leather Gauntlets of Warding (Lv.81)
[283293929] Average Leather Gauntlets (Lv.-)
[283309494] Average Leather Gauntlets of Stoneskin (Lv.-)

[283761145] Magnificent Agile Leather Leggings of Protection (Lv.302)
[283933631] Magnificent Leather Leggings of Deflection (Lv.309)
[283354613] Exquisite Leather Leggings of Protection (Lv.247)
[283341768] Exquisite Leather Leggings of Protection (Lv.238)
[283349688] Exquisite Leather Leggings of Warding (Lv.243)
[283343436] Exquisite Leather Leggings of Warding (Lv.242)
[283549731] Magnificent Leather Leggings of Stoneskin (Lv.285)
[283277186] Average Leather Leggings of Stoneskin (Lv.-)
[283221441] Superior Leather Leggings of Protection (Lv.119)
[283354191] Magnificent Amber Leather Leggings of Protection (Lv.244)

[283266411] Exquisite Leather Boots of Warding (Lv.164)
[283958360] Superior Leather Boots of Deflection (Lv.150) (from snail77107)
[283198397] Superior Leather Boots of Warding (Lv.107) (from snail77107)
[283247284] Average Leather Boots of Dampening (Lv.-)
[283233157] Average Leather Boots of Stoneskin (Lv.-)
[283266629] Average Leather Boots (Lv.-)
[283198397] Superior Leather Boots of Warding (Lv.107)
[283294185] Average Leather Boots of Protection (Lv.-)

[Heavy Armor]


[283815618] Exquisite Power Helmet of Protection (Lv.168) (from qqppfan)
[283759659] Exquisite Power Helmet of Warding (Lv.302)

[283711758] Exquisite Power Armor of Protection (Lv.301)

[282516929] Exquisite Power Gauntlets of Warding (Lv.245) (from 西亭醉翁)

[283927497] Exquisite Power Leggings of Protection (Lv.308)
[282635918] Exquisite Cobalt Power Leggings of Protection (Lv.267) (from 西亭醉翁)
[283224406] Superior Ruby Power Leggings of Warding (Lv.127)

[283975308] Exquisite Power Boots of Protection (Lv.317)
[283976658] Superior Power Boots of Protection (Lv.272) (from qqppfan)
[280591063] Exquisite Power Boots of Warding (Lv.267) (from 西亭醉翁)


[283980377] Magnificent Plate Helmet of Warding (Lv.319)
[283768164] Exquisite Shielding Plate Helmet of Stoneskin (Lv.302)
[210159685] Magnificent Plate Helmet of Warding (Lv.265) (from what_is_name)
[283576244] Magnificent Plate Helmet of Dampening (Lv.288)
[283153376] Average Plate Helmet of Dampening (Lv.-)
[283232373] Average Plate Helmet of Stoneskin (Lv.-)
[283178158] Average Plate Helmet of Stoneskin (Lv.-)
[283221118] Superior Plate Helmet of Protection (Lv.117)
[283227320] Superior Plate Helmet of Warding (Lv.132)

[283745948] Magnificent Amber Plate Gauntlets of Stoneskin (Lv.302)
[283331322] Exquisite Amber Plate Cuirass of Warding (Lv.228)
[283353914] Exquisite Jade Plate Cuirass of Warding (Lv.243)
[210546659] Magnificent Plate Cuirass of Dampening (Lv.272) (from what_is_name)
[283224480] Exquisite Plate Cuirass of Deflection (Lv.128)
[283267303] Average Plate Cuirass (Lv.-)
[283323797] Average Plate Cuirass of Dampening (Lv.-)

[283590312] Exquisite Zircon Plate Gauntlets of Protection (Lv.290)
[283153958] Average Plate Gauntlets of Protection (Lv.-)
[210906403] Magnificent Plate Gauntlets of Warding (Lv.279) (from what_is_name)
[283178047] Average Plate Gauntlets of Warding (Lv.-)
[283579342] Exquisite Mithril Plate Gauntlets of Deflection (Lv.288)
[283241823] Average Plate Gauntlets (Lv.-)
[283153957] Superior Plate Gauntlets of Deflection (Lv.83)
[283223967] Superior Plate Gauntlets of Protection (Lv.124)

[283294955] Exquisite Amber Plate Greaves of Dampening (Lv.199)
[283646436] Exquisite Jade Plate Greaves of Dampening (Lv.296)
[283339002] Exquisite Plate Greaves of Dampening (Lv.233)
[283617198] Exquisite Amber Plate Greaves of Stoneskin (Lv.294)
[283242255] Superior Plate Greaves of Deflection (Lv.149)
[283212930] Average Plate Greaves of Deflection (Lv.-)
[283190179] Average Plate Greaves of Deflection (Lv.-)
[283152994] Average Plate Greaves of Stoneskin (Lv.-)

[283479164] Magnificent Plate Sabatons of Protection (Lv.275)
[283977606] Magnificent Plate Sabatons of Warding (Lv.273) (from qqppfan)
[283416241] Magnificent Plate Sabatons of Dampening (Lv.263)
[283937885] Magnificent Plate Sabatons of Stoneskin (Lv.251) (from qqppfan)
[283579343] Exquisite Amber Plate Sabatons of Stoneskin (Lv.288)
[284005163] Exquisite Shielding Plate Sabatons of Dampening (Lv.284) (from qqppfan)
[283311063] Exquisite Mithril Plate Sabatons of Protection (Lv.210)
[283322170] Exquisite Cobalt Plate Sabatons of Protection (Lv.221)
[283692142] Exquisite Mithril Plate Sabatons of Warding (Lv.299)
[283448622] Exquisite Mithril Plate Sabatons of Warding (Lv.269)
[283227319] Superior Plate Sabatons of Warding (Lv.132)
[283221720] Average Plate Sabatons of Warding (Lv.129)
[283246803] Exquisite Plate Sabatons of Stoneskin (Lv.151)
[283265535] Average Plate Sabatons (Lv.-)
[283246850] Average Plate Sabatons of Stoneskin (Lv.-)
[283267589] Average Plate Sabatons of Deflection (Lv.-)


Nothing to sell right now biggrin.gif

This post has been edited by HyenaHentai2: Sep 25 2022, 16:55
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post Sep 25 2022, 07:34
Post #21

Group: Recruits
Posts: 8
Joined: 25-January 12
Level 226 (Lord)

would you give me these item plz?

[283984329] Superior Mace of Balance (Lv.161) (from snail77107)
[283273024] Exquisite Wakizashi of Balance (Lv.183)

This post has been edited by yong24k: Sep 25 2022, 09:31
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post Sep 25 2022, 10:33
Post #22

Group: Members
Posts: 54
Joined: 12-October 21
Level 326 (Dovahkiin)

QUOTE(yong24k @ Sep 25 2022, 07:34) *

would you give me these item plz?

[283984329] Superior Mace of Balance (Lv.161) (from snail77107)
[283273024] Exquisite Wakizashi of Balance (Lv.183)

Have fun biggrin.gif
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post Yesterday, 20:30
Post #23

Group: Recruits
Posts: 8
Joined: 25-January 12
Level 226 (Lord)

i've changed to 1h shield build,

and so, would you borrow me

[283591806] Exquisite Tempestuous Rapier of Slaughter (Lv.291)
[283939050] Exquisite Shocking Rapier of Slaughter (Lv.253) (from qqppfan)

[210159685] Magnificent Plate Helmet of Warding (Lv.265) (from what_is_name)
[283353914] Exquisite Jade Plate Cuirass of Warding (Lv.243)
[210906403] Magnificent Plate Gauntlets of Warding (Lv.279) (from what_is_name)
[283339002] Exquisite Plate Greaves of Dampening (Lv.233)
[283479164] Magnificent Plate Sabatons of Protection (Lv.275)
[283937885] Magnificent Plate Sabatons of Stoneskin (Lv.251) (from qqppfan)


This post has been edited by yong24k: Yesterday, 20:34
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post Yesterday, 23:26
Post #24

Group: Lurkers
Posts: 1
Joined: 22-September 22
Level 60 (Master)

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post Today, 06:14
Post #25

Group: Recruits
Posts: 5
Joined: 13-September 22
Level 192 (Destined)

Can I have the "[283815618] Exquisite Power Helmet of Protection (Lv.168) (from qqppfan)"?
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