Hey everyone,
I've been working on an Ai assisted comic series and am looking for feedback.
Below you find the first episode - It mostly acts as an introduction to the antagonist "Celestia"
http://ehentaihip.com/g/3113703/0e57dc84f6/For reference - Here is an overview over what the Series is going to be about:
- Celestial War -
Originally planned as a Hentai Game, is currently in the process of becoming an Ai-Supported Manga Series.
Join our Hero Zia!
A purposeful Angel, sent from Heaven.
On a Quest to Save the World from her Big Tiddy Goth-ish looking Sister Celestia!
Seeking to Corrupt Humanity with her Evuul Sex Magic!
A Story of Epic Proportions!🍑
Full of Deep Insights into the Well Rounded Personali-Tits of our Sexy Protagonists!
So yeah.. world class story writing as you can see..
What do you think of the idea in general?
What are your thoughts on the arrangement and quality of the images?
Is the story telling clear and immersive? What about the dialogues? Too long, too short or just right?
What do you think of the character design? Is character design and character personality even a concern to you when it comes to hentai mangas?
Lastly, how do you view the whole Ai Art topic in general?
I have Episode 2 & 3 already prepared and coming up shortly.
Let me know if I should update you when they are ready
Thank You for Your Feedback!
Also if you have any questions, make sure to drop them, I'm happy to discuss