> HentaiVerse Isekai 0.87, Isekai Hentai Jutsushi

post Jan 9 2021, 17:00
Post #1


Note: Initially, 0.87 is only deployed on the new Isekai Server. Going forward, whenever a major update is released, it will debut with a new Isekai season and be deployed to Persistent at some later date. (Which isn't saying that there WILL be a major update every season, but there MIGHT be..)

The Isekai Mode

0.87 adds the new ranked Isekai Mode, in which everyone starts from scratch in a brand new world. This will run alongside the existing Persistent Mode.

Isekai will run as half-year seasons, starting on Longest Night (the winter solstice, usually December 21st or 22nd) and ending on Longest Day (the summer solstice, usually June 20th or 21st), and vice verca. Exact times will be posted. (The start of the first season was delayed by a few weeks because of a delayed server delivery.)

Isekai uses a separate credits balance (Isekai Credits or ISK), which is only used within HV Isekai. Most of the EH-related stuff and bonuses are either disabled or enabled equally for everyone.

Isekai is accessed through https://hentaiverse.org/isekai/ or, after 0.87 is deployed on Persistent, the new mode selector found on the top right of the screen.

The Tower

The Tower is a new Isekai-Only battle mode, and is the basis of the ranking mechanism. The Tower has an (effectively) unlimited amount of floors, and the idea is that you want to get as far as possible before the end of the season.

Each floor has an increasing number of battle rounds, and is locked to a specific monster level (increases every floor) and difficulty level (increases every 5 floors). Past Floor 40 the difficulty will start scaling past PDUFOR; for now this just adds a base 5% monster damage and HP per difficulty level.

Clearing a floor will always drop an equipment piece equivalent to a trophy of the tier corresponding to the base difficulty, capping at PFUDOR/Tier 7, as well as 10 soul fragments.

You can only clear each floor once, and win or lose, you can only do three tower attempts per day. During Last Spurt, the number of daily attempts is increased to five.

You can see your current ranking on the Tower start screen as soon as you make it past Floor 5.

The Great Isekai Reset

From the start of each season until the end of that month, to give players a bit of a boost, there is an "Early Bird" period where equipment drop rates and stamina regeneration is doubled.

During the last month of the season (that is, June/December, or the final 20-22 days) Isekai will enter the "Last Spurt" mode. While in this mode, you can make five attempts at The Tower per day. Mooglemail attachments are also completely disabled.

When the season ends, your current ISK balance as well as the total ISK sell value of your item/equipment inventory will be added together. The first 1 million ISK will be transferred to the next Isekai season. The remainder will be transferred as actual Credits to your main HV/EH account.

Depending on how far you managed to get in The Tower, you may also gain a permanent bonus for HV Persistent. The first 20 ranked players will get a permanent +3 to all primary stats; 21-49 will get +2, and 50-100 will get +1. The top 10 players will also receive a Peerless Voucher (special-tier untradeable trophy item) which can be handed in for a guaranteed soulbound Peerless equip.

Everyone will also gain a temporarily/seasonal bonus to damage on HV Persistent which will last until the end of the next Isekai season, again depending on how far you managed to get in The Tower. This bonus is tentatively set to 0.1% per floor, but will be increased if no one manages to clear Floor 100.

Finally, any Soulbound gear you have in Isekai will carry over to Persistent at the end of the season. Any Peerless gear and Peerless vouchers you manage to acquire will also be included, though Peerless gear will become soulbound in the process. Upgrades will not carry over.

The end-of-season stuff, such as the actual rewards and the number of players per tier, might be adjusted between seasons based on interest, suggestions and administrative whims.

Isekai Mooglemail Restrictions

To reduce (and ideally eliminate) foul play, there are a number of restrictions added to Isekai Mooglemail:

- ISK (Credits) and Hath cannot be attached.

- Attaching items and equipment is only available for donators (bronze star).

- There is an uncapped 10% fee on the total CoD. To avoid overly penalizing returned/rejected CoD messages, half of this (capped to 1000 ISK) is paid up-front like on Persistent, and the rest is deducted when (and if) the receiver actually pays it.

Since it is still possible to use CoD with ISK, and non-donators can still receive MoogleMails, it is still possible to transfer ISK between donator accounts and from non-donator accounts to donator accounts; because of this, there are some additional restrictions on what you are allowed to do here:
* Feeding accounts ISK by using the CoD function is NOT allowed in general. It is only to be used for straight-up trading of Isekai items/equipment for ISK.
* Gathering ISK from other accounts to have it converted to credits after the end of the season is NOT allowed.
* Distributing ISK to other accounts to have it transferred to the next Isekai season is NOT allowed.

Violations can get you disqualified from the current and/or future season's rankings, and/or permanently blocked from sending Isekai attachments.

We WILL allow cross-trading EH/HV Persistent items, equipment and currencies for Isekai items and equipment, but NOT for ISK as it would violate the rules above. Note that there is no system in place or planned to support this kind of trade.

As mentioned above, MoogleMail attachments are completely disabled during Last Spurt (the last three weeks or so of the season).

Other Notable Isekai Differences

- Special events like the Easter Event and the Loot & Harvest Festival only run on Persistent.

- Training, the Item Bot, the Lottery and the Monster Lab are not available.

- Monsters are copied over from Persistent at the start of each season. Monster food, chaos tokens and crystals have no use and do not drop. Monster wins are currently not recorded, but this will be re-added for some post-season Persistent stuff in a future season.

- Artifact and Collectible drops are replaced with high-grade and rare/special upgrade materials at a rate of 80/20.

- Salvaging returns 3 low-grade materials for Superior, and 2 mid-grade materials for Exquisite.

- Forge upgrades do not require bindings.

- There are no stamina recovery items, so play will be limited by the available stamina.

- The regular equipment inventory is limited to 200, but everyone can place 1000 equipment in storage.

- Donator bonuses, trainings, hath perks and toplist bonuses do not apply. The EXP bonus on Isekai is fixed to 500% to speed things up considering the restricted timespan and stamina.

- Titles, title bonuses and title skills are disabled.

- When someone pays you CoD on a MoogleMail, this is not added to your ISK balance until you visit the MoogleMail inbox page. (You will get a popup.)

- Item world potency gain is higher. Nightmare and up has three times the gain compared to Persistent, while Normal and Hard have the same gain as Nightmare.

- Soul fusing cost is halved.

- The randomly encounter-able boss-tier non-player monsters ("schoolgirls" and friends) have half their ordinary HP.

The following two hath perks are ENABLED for EVERYONE; all other perks are DISABLED:
-- Follower of Snowflake
-- Innate Arcana V

The following trainings are MAXED for EVERYONE; all other trainings are DISABLED:
-- Scolar of War (scroll slots)
-- Tincture (infusion slots)
-- Pack Rat (battle inventory slots)
-- Hoarder (equipment storage)
-- Scavenger (drop rate)
-- Quartermaster (equipment drop rate)
-- Luck of the Draw (rare equipment rate)
-- Archaeologist (artifact upgrade material drop rate), and is 300% rather than 100% (effectively double droprate).

The Ability Boost (ability points) and Manifest Destiny (mastery points) trainings are maxed to your current level, and add +1 AP per level and +1 MP per 50 levels. (This currently means that, yes, you will be swimming in ability points.)

Bulk Shrining

As you level up, Snowflake will now start accepting lower-tier trophies in bulk, effectively upgrading the trophy by a number of tiers. This will significantly speed up shrining large numbers of low-tier trophies.

By default, the bulk upgrades are tied to your player level as such:

Level 200: Tier 2 => Tier 3 at a rate of 4:1
Level 300: Tier 3 => Tier 4 at a rate of 2:1
Level 400: Tier 4 => Tier 5 at a rate of 4:1

The upgrades are cumulative, so at level 400+ you will upgrade Tier 2 to Tier 5 at a rate of 32:1

These tier upgrades are balanced so they are a slight buff with regards to getting higher-tier equipment. Upgrading trophies to T3, T4 and T5 also adds 10%, 20% and 30% bonuses respectively to the original trophy value for the cumulative trophy credit counter for the Follower of Snowflake perk, and together with the trophy/equipment value changes listed below, it should be roughly a wash with sell + FoS value. YMMV when it comes to salvage materials.

To prevent the "need" to send trophies to accounts of higher or lower levels for any particular shrining outcome, there is a new toggle in the settings page that lets you override this trophy upgrading behavior. In other words, if you want, you can still shrine with no upgrades at level 500, or upgrade to tier 5 at level 1.

(In case you were wondering, there are no actual "Tier 1" trophies in the system, this is a dummy tier used by some arena clear rewards.)

Equipment Auto-Sell/Auto-Salvage

A new Auto-Sell/Auto-Salvage function has been added. This will automatically turn unwanted equipment into credits or salvage materials whenever dropped in battle or received in the Shrine.

You can enable this behavior with a new setting found on the Settings page. For each type of equipment, you can set it to either Sell or Salvage all drops up to a given quality (Average/Superior/etc). Unlike most settings, Auto-Sell/Salvage settings are shared across all profiles.

If both Sell and Salvage is set, and a particular equipment qualifies for both, it will do the one with the lowest quality requirement. In other words, for a particular type of equipment, you can for example have it keep Magnificent and above, salvage Exquisite and Superior, and sell everything below that.

Internally, the system will still fully generate the equipment piece up to the point where it would normally be added to your inventory, so the outcome will be exactly the same as if you sold or salvaged it manually.

Note however that you cannot "buy back" an auto-salvaged or auto-sold equipment piece, as it is never actually added to the database.


- Salvaging equipment will now give either an upgrade material or scrap materials, never both.

- Trophy value was rebalanced. (Monster-droppable T2 and T3 trophies are now worth more, while T4 and T5 are worth less.)

- Equipment value was slightly rebalanced. The value factor for wear is now capped to 0.75, specifically to reduce the value of fully-repaired (shrine-fresh) gear.

- Equipment will no longer grant base salvage when salvaged and re-bought multiple times. (It will still return upgrade materials.)

- Equipment is now auto-locked when removed from a MoogleMail.

- When shrining equipment with the Follower of Snowflake perk, instead of granting a Peerless equipment directly when you shrine an item, you will now receive the regular equipment plus a free Peerless Voucher (special-tier untradeable trophy item) which can be handed in for a guaranteed soulbound Peerless equip. This makes things more predictable for when the peerless is granted when shrining multiple items. It also removes the "need" to use a low-tier trophy for the peerless exchange to prevent it from being "wasted".

- The Shrine will no longer tell you to hit spacebar to shrine more items if there are not enough items available to shrine again. Hitting spacebar in this case will just close the popup box.

- Shrine Fortunes (the secondary trophy from the easter events) and Stocking Stuffers (the secondary winter gift trophy) are no longer tradeable. This obviously does not affect Isekai, so consider it an early warning to trade any old stock if you want.

- The state lock and associated limiter has been improved, and will now hand out gradually increasing ban lengths for aggressive multithreaded requests that pile up database locks. (Let me know if you ever encounter a problem with this during normal play.)

- Made the EXP readout when hovering the level a bit wider to prevent the number from cutting off at higher levels.

- If MoogleMail CoD is set, it must now be at least 10 credits.

Note: alt doesn't work with isekai yet, this will be fixed soonish.

And again: Initially, 0.87 is only deployed on the new Isekai Server, which can be found here: https://hentaiverse.org/isekai/
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post Jun 3 2021, 22:55
Post #401

Group: Lurkers
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Thanks for new Upload.
I am eager to play it. biggrin.gif
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post Jun 17 2021, 08:34
Post #402
Mud attheBaseofLotus

The Invaluable Darkness.
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Bleeding Wound need some up/rebalance, atm slashing weapon dont stay near even with crushing not talking about piercing. Bleeding have potential, for example Vital Strike do significant damage, but for weapon(especially 1h weapon) its insignificant, usually i have about 3-5% of damage contributed by bleeding, for comparison cheapest infusion enchantment adds ~10% dmg.

It would be nice if Bleeding Wound could stack more than 5 only, with 25-30 max stacks it could deal huge amount of damage.
This wont help much 2h slashing weapon, for 2h weapons i'd additionally suggest ability "cut enemy in half", i.e. 2h weapon have small chance to insta kill target monster, except legendary/ultimate monsters.

This post has been edited by Mud attheBaseofLotus: Jun 17 2021, 08:34


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Finally done:
Legendary Ethereal Fiery Arctic Shocking Tempestuous Hallowed Demonic Wakizashi of Slaughter
Legendary Ethereal Fiery Arctic Shocking Tempestuous Hallowed Demonic Wakizashi of Balance
Legendary Ethereal Fiery Arctic Shocking Tempestuous Hallowed Demonic Wakizashi of the Battlecaster
Legendary Ethereal Fiery Arctic Shocking Tempestuous Hallowed Demonic Wakizashi of the Nimble
Legendary Ethereal Fiery Arctic Shocking Tempestuous Hallowed Demonic Wakizashi of Swiftness
Total invested: i have lost a count

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post Jun 17 2021, 16:26
Post #403

Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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QUOTE(Mud attheBaseofLotus @ Jun 17 2021, 01:34) *

Bleeding Wound need some up/rebalance, atm slashing weapon dont stay near even with crushing not talking about piercing. Bleeding have potential, for example Vital Strike do significant damage, but for weapon(especially 1h weapon) its insignificant, usually i have about 3-5% of damage contributed by bleeding, for comparison cheapest infusion enchantment adds ~10% dmg.

It would be nice if Bleeding Wound could stack more than 5 only, with 25-30 max stacks it could deal huge amount of damage.
This wont help much 2h slashing weapon, for 2h weapons i'd additionally suggest ability "cut enemy in half", i.e. 2h weapon have small chance to insta kill target monster, except legendary/ultimate monsters.

Use the Suggestions thread in the Chat forum. This post is really for talking about changes made in this version.

For what it's worth, Bleeding Wound is actually pretty good, it's just hard to leverage because it doesn't tick in tandem with turns. Rather it's based on game time, so as your action speed rises it ticks less often relative to your other attacks. Raising the max stacks would be completely unusable for both low-level players (who kill way faster than 25-30 attacks per monster) and high-level players (who kill way faster than 25-30 attacks per monster).

This post has been edited by Nezu: Jun 17 2021, 16:27

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post Jun 17 2021, 23:00
Post #404
Mud attheBaseofLotus

The Invaluable Darkness.
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QUOTE(Nezu @ Jun 17 2021, 08:26) *

Use the Suggestions thread in the Chat forum. This post is really for talking about changes made in this version.

For what it's worth, Bleeding Wound is actually pretty good, it's just hard to leverage because it doesn't tick in tandem with turns. Rather it's based on game time, so as your action speed rises it ticks less often relative to your other attacks. Raising the max stacks would be completely unusable for both low-level players (who kill way faster than 25-30 attacks per monster) and high-level players (who kill way faster than 25-30 attacks per monster).

PA can easily increase your damage by 30-50%, in some cases it doubles damage, while 3-5% of additional dmg from Bleeding Wound - its just broken. And the goal is to increase % of dmg contributed by Bleeding Wound on average, increasing stacks count will help. 25-30 for max doesnt mean you will always have them, average goal is to have 8-12 stacks which will make it as effective as Vital Strike's bleeding.

Yes wrong thread, but problem old and related to all game modes. I mean, what you start from on isekai - finding good rapier?


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Finally done:
Legendary Ethereal Fiery Arctic Shocking Tempestuous Hallowed Demonic Wakizashi of Slaughter
Legendary Ethereal Fiery Arctic Shocking Tempestuous Hallowed Demonic Wakizashi of Balance
Legendary Ethereal Fiery Arctic Shocking Tempestuous Hallowed Demonic Wakizashi of the Battlecaster
Legendary Ethereal Fiery Arctic Shocking Tempestuous Hallowed Demonic Wakizashi of the Nimble
Legendary Ethereal Fiery Arctic Shocking Tempestuous Hallowed Demonic Wakizashi of Swiftness
Total invested: i have lost a count

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post Jun 18 2021, 03:15
Post #405

Group: Catgirl Camarilla
Posts: 3,649
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Level 500 (Ponyslayer)

QUOTE(Mud attheBaseofLotus @ Jun 17 2021, 16:00) *

PA can easily increase your damage by 30-50%, in some cases it doubles damage, while 3-5% of additional dmg from Bleeding Wound - its just broken.

Okay, so we're basically comparing rapier and shortsword here - because axe underperforms shortsword in most content for 1H, and estoc isn't really worth talking about for 2H. You can't really completely separate the procs from their context.

And sure, rapier outperforms shortsword... unless you use imperil, in which case, they perform more-or-less the same in all content. And both perform better with imperil than without, so that's generally considered the normal case these days.

It's true that Bleeding Wound could do with a little tweaking, but that's less about the damage it does - and definitely not the number of stacks, which are already functionally too high for many players to make full use of, since it has a ramp up time disproportionate to normal killing speed - and more about the way it interacts with attack speed (otherwise, Niten players in particular are able to leverage it for pretty solid damage against bosses).

QUOTE(Mud attheBaseofLotus @ Jun 17 2021, 16:00) *

Yes wrong thread, but problem old and related to all game modes. I mean, what you start from on isekai - finding good rapier?

Not really - you just use what you can get. I played dual wield rather than 1H up to floor 90 of the Tower, despite it being considerably 'sub-optimal' by most standards. People exaggerate the effects of differences in gear and differences in playstyles a lot - as you are currently doing with PA and Bleeding Wound.

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post Jun 18 2021, 07:51
Post #406
Mud attheBaseofLotus

The Invaluable Darkness.
Group: Members
Posts: 757
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Level 409 (Dovahkiin)

QUOTE(Nezu @ Jun 17 2021, 19:15) *

And sure, rapier outperforms shortsword... unless you use imperil, in which case, they perform more-or-less the same in all content. And both perform better with imperil than without, so that's generally considered the normal case these days.

I did test few days ago, rapier without imperil was a bit faster than sword with imperil, with roughly equal attack base damage, it take ~8% less turns, and have higher turns/second rate, because you dont spend time casting imperil and using less mana draughts, also i guess its faster because PA work on all targets while imperil i cast only on schoolgirls. I'm talking about clearing DwD IWBTH difficulty.
I mean rapier for a reason so expensive, it allow brainless yet fast clearing of arena.


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Finally done:
Legendary Ethereal Fiery Arctic Shocking Tempestuous Hallowed Demonic Wakizashi of Slaughter
Legendary Ethereal Fiery Arctic Shocking Tempestuous Hallowed Demonic Wakizashi of Balance
Legendary Ethereal Fiery Arctic Shocking Tempestuous Hallowed Demonic Wakizashi of the Battlecaster
Legendary Ethereal Fiery Arctic Shocking Tempestuous Hallowed Demonic Wakizashi of the Nimble
Legendary Ethereal Fiery Arctic Shocking Tempestuous Hallowed Demonic Wakizashi of Swiftness
Total invested: i have lost a count

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