Selling Equipment for Persistent Credits ❄ [OH01] Magnificent Fiery Club of the Nimble (204, SDA, IW10) @25k[OHE1] Exquisite Arctic Rapier of Slaughter (257, SD, IW4) @15k [TH01] Magnificent Shocking Mace of Slaughter (304, SDA) @10k [CP01] Magnificent Phase Pants of Niflheim (231, AIW) @20k [CP02] Magnificent Cobalt Phase Robe of Freyr (288, AIW) @20k [CP03] Magnificent Frugal Phase Pants of Niflheim (298, AW) @10k [CC01] Magnificent Ruby Cotton Pants of the Demon-fiend (181, AW) @10k [CC02] Magnificent Cotton Cap of the Demon-fiend (298, IW) @10k [PAE1] Exquisite Power Gauntlets of Protection (107, DE) @10k [PAE2] Exquisite Power Armor of Protection (177, DE) @10k [PAE3] Exquisite Power Boots of Slaughter (179, SD) @10k [PAE4] Exquisite Jade Power Armor of Warding (187, SD) @10k [PAE5] Exquisite Zircon Power Helmet of Warding (245, SE) @10k [PSE1] Exquisite Shielding Plate Gauntlets of Deflection (194, DE) @5k [PSE2] Exquisite Shielding Plate Cuirass of Deflection (201, SE) @5k This post has been edited by ikki.: Today, 07:09