Welcome to Noni's Do-it-yourself Isekai Equipment AuctionRules & explanation (Chinese: 规则与说明) (Japanese: ルールと説明)1. See timer 1: post your own auction in this thread- do NOT send the equip to me (Noni). If you do send me the equip, I will return it with 10k ISK CoD for management costs
- post the equipment in this thread following the example below
- you can auction equipment only. No materials.
- you must sell to the highest bidder for the highest bid price
- you need to set your own start price of 50k or higher; if you don't it will be 50k
- minimum possible bid is 50k, minimum bid increment is 5%
- no lots. Only single pieces of equipment
- all prices are in persistent credits
Example (use your own username, not Snowflake)
[Snowflake01] [url=https://hentaiverse.org/isekai/equip/225594616/ac2b3f66bd]Magnificent Shade Gauntlets of the Arcanist[/url] (361, Evd 3%, ADB 19%) (start: 100k)
2. When bidding starts (see timer 1) until bidding ends (see timer 2): post your bids in this thread- bid by posting in this manner: [Snowflake03] 500k or [Snowflake03] 1m or Snowflake03 1000000 or [Snowflake03] start or Snowflake03 start
- min bid increment is 5%, min start bid is 50k unless start bid is specified by seller
- all bids and prices are in persistent credits
- don't post anything else than the item code and the bid. E.g. don't post the item description.
- you can't bid on your own items
- if you bid within the last 15 minutes of the auction, the auction will be extended for 15 minutes for that item, repeatedly, until there are no bids for 15 minutes
- you can see the current winning bids in this post, but they are not updated automatically. They wil be updated every now and then by Noni + updated after the end of the auction.
- you can't bid until the bidding period has started - any bids before this period will be deleted
During auction and at end of action- You (the seller) will manage your own auction when it ends: send the stuff to the highest bidder with the correct COD. Please do this within a day or so.
- please don't send the equipment until this auction post is updated after the auction end time
This Do-It-Yourself service is ABSOLUTELY FREE!
Comments, feedback, reactions go here:
/index.php?showtopic=256075 and will be deleted from this thread.
Track your bids with Sparroff's auction helper script:
/index.php?showtopic=271453In case of problems: this service is purely based on trust
Enter your auction before the bidding starts:______________________ then bid until auction ends:________________________________
Noni's DIY Isekai Equipment Auction #109