[mb-lint.skk.moe] https://mb-lint.skk.moeImagine this: Like most HentaiVerse players, you don't know JavaScript. One day you try to modify your Monsterbation's Keybind and something goes wrong. You don't know what's wrong, and you have no choice but to undo the change or consult experienced players / programmers.
Has this ever happened to you?
Introducing Monsterbation Configuration Linter. It is a website with an editor and a linter. Just paste your Monsterbation Keybind settings in the editor, one at a time, and the website will tell you if you have done something wrong. And all the checks are done in your browser, no server is involved! You can finally check configuration errors yourself!
Please put feedback, complaints, requests for features, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera here. I will try to respond with technical details wherever possible.
If you are curious about how the website works, you can check its source code (which is released under MIT license) at GitHub: [
https://github.com/SukkaW/monsterbation-linter/This post has been edited by OnceForAll: Dec 19 2021, 08:43