I have a problem with the script. It worked fine before, so maybe a Chrome update broke something.
The error is:
userscript.html?id=7109877d-a026-49aa-80da-04c59e6ab3d0:966 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'obj' of undefined
at IDBRequest.getRequest.onsuccess (userscript.html?id=7109877d-a026-49aa-80da-04c59e6ab3d0:966)
Specifically it appears during the last line in this piece of code:
function dbGet(callback){
inProgress = true;
var dbRequest = window.indexedDB.open("SmartSearchDb");
dbRequest.onsuccess = function(event) {
var db = dbRequest.result;
var getRequest = db.transaction(["SmartSearchObjectStore"],"readwrite").objectStore("SmartSearchObjectStore").get('1');
getRequest.onsuccess = function(event){
inProgress = false;
var obj = JSON.parse(getRequest.result.obj);
I already tried deleting and recreating the DB. Deleting displayed a message and creating did not.
EDIT: Nevermind. I was using 1.3.7 instead of 1.3.7.s2. sssss2's version worked well. Thanks a lot for the bugfix, sssss2!
This post has been edited by Liexxio: Nov 7 2019, 23:45